Chronic diseases are rarely caused by a single factor, but are the interplay of genetic, biochemical, nutritional, environmental and psycho-social factors. It is not only our genes that make us sick, but environmental toxins, diet and lifestyle. And if we catch frequent colds, the culprit is often not just the latest bug, but an immune system that is taxed and overwhelmed.
If you struggle with chronic health issues, a Functional Medicine workup evaluates the following areas:
Viral, bacterial, fungal or parasitic infections, overt or hidden.
Heavy metals, chemicals, mold toxins and other 'Xenobiotics’ that can accumulate over time. Xenobiotics produce free radicals, cause chronic inflammation, disrupt hormones, impair mitochondrial energy production, and weaken the immune system.
Nutritional deficiencies of minerals, amino acids, fatty acids and vitamins, which are widespread in seniors and the sick.
Food allergies and sensitivities.
Metabolic imbalances, often due to insulin resistance and Type 2 Diabetes.
Hormonal deficiencies of adrenals, thyroid and sex hormones.
Dysbiosis, an imbalanced gut microbiome, which can lead to leaky gut and negatively influence every body system and the brain.
Sarcopenia (muscle loss) as one of the hallmarks of premature aging.
Chronic Inflammation
The way we cope with stressful life-events and emotional trauma. Psycho-neuroimmunology points to the pivotal role that our belief systems, attitudes, cognitive and emotional styles, as well as our relationships and communities play in keeping us healthy.
Whatever the potential causes, disease can be seen as a wake-up call to move toward balance and wholeness. It is a reminder to step off the hamster wheel, get your priorities straight, listen to the call of your soul, and live more fully, however that might look for you. But one thing is certain: the only one who can do that, is YOU.
Dr. Gruenn received his medical degree and doctorate from the University of Heidelberg, Germany in 1978 where he did postgraduate training in Internal Medicine and a fellowship in Psychosomatic Medicine. After moving to the U.S., he underwent postgraduate training at LA County/USC, and became licensed to practice medicine in the state of California in 1993.
“Dr. Gruenn's professional experience in Europe and the U.S. puts him at the forefront of Integrative and Preventative Medicine. Dr. Gruenn is a well-known lecturer on alternative and mind-body medicine and authors the best selling self help audio series in Germany."
· 1/2019-present: second office in Ojai, CA
· 1/98-present: Longevity Medical Center, West Los Angeles
· 8/95-1/98: Medical Director, Rosabell Medical Group, Los Angeles, CA
· 7/93-8/95: Medical Director, Center for Integrated Medicine, Santa Monica, CA
· 10/91-10/92: Internship in Internal Medicine at LA County/USC
· 10/87-91: Lectures and seminars on Preventive Medicine and Psychoneuroimmunology in USA, Germany and Japan
· 2/85-9/87: Fellow, Dept. of Psychosomatic Medicine, Bad Duerkheim Medical Center, Germany
· 4/80-4/83: Resident, Dept. of Internal Medicine, Mannheim Hospital/University of Heidelberg, Germany
· 10/78-10/79: Resident, Dept. of Psychiatry Weinsberg Hospital, Germany
12/92: California Medical License
5/83: Doctorate (PhD.), Dept. of Internal Medicine, University of Heidelberg, Germany
6/78: M.D., University of Heidelberg, School of Medicine, Germany
1986-2004: Audioaktiv, Audio-tape series with over 40 titles, Lange Publishing, Duesseldorf
1990: Gruenn, H. Die innere Heilkraft -Die Medizin entdeckt die Moeglichkeiten der Selbstheilung (Self-healing and Medicine), Econ Verlag, Duesseldorf; Wien; New York
1990: Gruenn, H., Oncogenes - Interview with Michael Bishop Nobel Laureate in Medicine, Vital Magazine, Hamburg,
1982: Stahlheber R. Kirchberger - Rothe I, Gruenn H., Koehler Co.Piper W: Spaetprognose nach ueberstandenem Herzinfarkt (Prognosis after Myocardial Infarction), Fortschritte in der Inneren Medizin, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg
6/78-4/80: Doctoral student, Dept. of Internal Medicine, Heidelberg University