As a New Patient you will receive a Medical Workup that includes a medical history, physical exam, and conventional and functional lab tests. If indicated, Dr. Gruenn will evaluate you for...
Food and Environmental Allergies
Nutritional Deficiencies
Adrenal Health
Hormone Deficiencies
Gut Health (dysbiosis, SIBO, yeast, parasites)
Viral Infections
Immune Deficiencies
Neurotransmitter Deficiencies
Chemical and Heavy Metal Toxicity
Genetic vulnerabilities
Body Fat Percentage
Mitochondrial Imbalances

Once your test results are in, you will attend a therapy-planning visit where Dr. Gruenn will explain your test results and provide you with a comprehensive Treatment Plan, specifically tailored to your needs. It might include:
A Nutritional Eating Plan
Vitamin / Mineral Injections
Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement
Herbal Medicine
Immune Therapies
Heavy Metal Detoxification
Trigger Point Injections
Longevity Medicine
Adrenal Support
Lifestyle Modification
Medical Weight Loss
Nutritional Supplements & Medications